Stop Solving Work Problems by Working Longer Hours

The biggest problem we face to stop overworking is that we are solving work problems by working longer hours. 

Solving work problems with working longer hours is not sustainable. 

As you move through life, whether it’s because you get promoted, have increased responsibilities, or start a family, it becomes clear that there needs to be another way to stop solving problems than by working longer hours. 

At first it will seem like there’s no other way to solve the problem than working longer hours.

It will be challenging to let go of the idea that whatever problem comes up, the way to solve it is for you to work longer hours. 

If this is you, it’s probably because it’s how you’ve solved problems and you know that it works.  

The problem is that it’s a short term solution and you want solutions that solve work problems that will work long-term. 

A great question to ask yourself is – does this solution solve this problem in a way that I would be willing to do every day? If not, then you might want to consider another solution. 

Tell me – What are some of the problems that you are solving by working longer hours?  I’d love to hear from you and help you with those problems.  (🌟 read through to the end for a🌟 BONUS🌟 around this).

Here’s some of the recent problems that my clients and I have been solving without working longer hours by using the self-coaching tool –the model – that led to new and innovative solutions: 

Problem: Having an open door policy that was creating interruptions and distractions but they didn’t want staff and colleagues to feel like they couldn’t talk to them, or that they weren’t there for them.
Old Overwork Solution: Work longer hours to make up for time spent with people during the day
Coaching Solution: Shifting perspective to see that having the open door when they wanted it to be closed meant they weren’t really THERE for them (they were often thinking of work they should be doing and feeling resentful). Once they created and open and closed door policy. When they were available they were more present, and when it was closed they gave staff/colleagues an opportunity to be resourceful or focus on something else.  

Problem: Too much work that all feels important 
Old Overwork Solution: Working longer hours to complete all the work 
Coaching Solution: Seeing that thinking that everything is important isn’t helpful to make decisions about what work to do and results in less or even no work being done. Making decisions on what work to focus on by asking – what will have the most impact right now with the time I have available today? Learning how to say no to some work, and communicate with others as needed, and focussing on the work they decided to do and then moving on to the next priority.

Problem: Not showing up to time scheduled for much-needed time for big picture thinking without interruptions or going into overwhelm or procrastinating. 
Overwork Solution: Doing big picture thinking work after-hours or not at all. 
Coaching Solution: Realizing they were miniminzing the importance of the work and making others a priority, even when it is not that important or urgent. Mentally changing the level of importance of this activity, understanding the cost of not creating this time in the long-term and deciding to be willing to invest time now for a long-term gain.

Problem: Feeling worried about potential emergencies while in off time 
Overwork Solution: Thinking about whether there’s going to be an emergency while your in off time.
Coaching Solution: Realizing that worrying about what emergencies might come up is not helpful for solving the actual problem of what happens when there is an emergency or turning off time into time where they were waiting for emergencies to happen. Creating clarity around what qualifies as an emergency and communicating to colleagues and staff what’s expected when it happens, and practicing no worrying about it until they need to worry about it so that you can really be OFF after-hours.

Problem: Not doing tasks that we don’t like or are new and/or not wanting to delegate them to others because we feel bad.
Overwork solution: Procrastinating and ending up doing them in after-hours
Coaching Solution: Realizing their own opinions about the work were getting in the way of delegating the work to others or asking for help. Letting go of their own perspectives on different types of work opened up delegation and opportunities for colleagues and staff to have new experiences, learn and shine. 

These are just some of the problems we’ve been coaching on and finding solutions for – real, every day problems.

It takes time to solve the problem in a different way, but the pay out is long-term, not short-term like solving it by working longer hours. 

There might be problems at work with culture, your boss, or other aspects of your personal life that are out of your control.  

This is exactly why it’s so valuable to use the self-coaching model to start with what is in your control.

Where we have the most agency for any problem, is with you.

We start with you and we take you working longer hours off the table, and we explore other options.

This is what leads you to new, long-term solutions that save you way more time, over time. 

If you want help solving problems at work without using you working longer hours as the solution, 📌 Sign up for a consultation, and we will create a personalized plan together for you to start solving work problems without you working longer hours so that you can feel more rested and ready to face the next challenge. 

Warmly, Melissa

ps – if you’re interested in learning the self-coaching model, or you want a refresher, email me at and I’ll send you a pdf description. 🌟BONUS 🌟If you send me some details about the problem you’re having at work, I’ll take what you share and show you how to use the model to solve the problem you are having over email. 

pps – Tell me how you’ve been spending your off time when you have it. Let’s celebrate the off time we do have now and work to expand it. This weekend I tried pickle ball with my youngest daughter and mother-in-law for the first time. It’s like tennis except it’s easier on my joints which is perfect for me right now. I also love seniors, who tend to be drawn to this sport, so I am definitely seeing somethings coming into alignment here.❤️