For sure, I will learn. What do you know for sure you will do?

If there’s one thing I know for sure that I will do it’s learn. I would read, learn and figure things out all day long if given the space to do so. I do not need any accountability or support for this strength. It’s how I succeeded in molecular biology and genetics … reading, figuring out and understanding how cells work was how I remembered all of that material.

Through working with my coach, I began to understand where I DO need accountability and support. As we move through our call, I began to ask myself  – do I need accountability and support with this? Can I trust myself to follow through on this?

At first we can use accountability and support to create a container where we safely learn and grow to develop practises that support us. It’s much easier to be accountable to someone else until we know that we can trust ourselves to do it. Once we trust ourselves to follow through on something we can set that container aside and move on to the next aspect that we may need accountability and support and thus, we continue to grow.

Also, by creating the container we begin to see what we need accountability and support with and what we do not need accountability and support with. Without the container and having a check-in, the part of us that wants to stay the same just keeps doing what we have already done and sometimes we don’t even realize we are doing it.

For me, some examples where I know I DO NOT need accountability and support are the following:

  • Watching Mozart in the Jungle or This is Us
  • Reading or learning about human beings, our needs and desires, and our development
  • Self-reflection
  • Process development or making something more efficient or better.
  • Figuring something out intellectually
  • Refining and perfecting

I am comfortable in these zones and will do them automatically. I do not need accountability or support around these.

Even though they are aligned with what I really want, and even though these may seem surprising, right now I DO need accountability and support for the following:

  • Connecting with others while staying true to my inner guidance
  • Sharing my thoughts and feelings, success, gifts and work  
  • Tasks that are related to creating money in my business
  • Letting go of what is good enough for now and sharing

There are lots of ways that we can create accountability and support for ourselves as we create something that we want. One example is you- my reader. You provide me with accountability by reading this blog every week as I practise sharing what I have learned in the hopes that you will benefit from it. My clients also provide me with this support as they create opportunities to share and connect with them.  

Understanding what you need accountability and support with right now can be pivotal in asking for support and creating change for yourself as the opportunities arise. Understanding that we may need accountability and support for changing old patterns can be an opportunity to show self-compassion.

Start here and make a list around what you know you will do no matter what and that you have no trouble committing to (even brushing your teeth!) and connect in with the power around your self commitment. Then also make a list of where you might need accountability and support as you create change for yourself now. A list of desires that knowing there was someone who would be listening and kindly supporting you as you create change would help to propel you forward.  

How are you creating accountability and support for yourself in these areas that you are seeing that it would be helpful to create change?

If you are beginning to see the power of having this accountability and support as you move through your challenges with writing and time, I invite you to email me at to create a complimentary Discovery Call where we will discuss more about what’s happening for you and whether the work that I do is a good fit for you.



Ps – This post was Inspired by my coach Jennifer L Sherwood and her process for providing accountability and support that she has so graciously shared with me so that I may share it with you.  

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